How To Be Your Own Interior Designer - Adore Your Home with Heather Craig

How To Be Your Own Interior Designer

Be Your Own Interior Designer!

Are you stuck with where to start when it comes to re-designing your house, you know you want super gorgeous rooms but have no bloody idea where to start. It feels like your house is half finished and everything just feels like a bit of a mess. You have spent many hours admiring the magazines and looking at gorgeous design inspiration on Pinterest but you just don’t know how to get it right.

Where do you even start? You’ve probably tried before and the results have been sketchy to say the least. If we are totally honest, you have wasted money and made mistakes.   You don’t want to hate your choices anymore, you want a practical but gorgeous house that works for you and your family. No more bland designs (for a fear of getting it all wrong) and no more stuff out of place. You can’t afford to get the help in, what are you going to do??!!

How about I give you the skills an interior designer would use

Take my word!

Instead of what you would normally do, kinda like “wing it” and have no idea where you even start and what to do, I will show you exactly, step by step what you need to do in order to be your own interior designer and get this stuff right. I will provide you with a framework and structure to get all of those design dilemma’s right. I’ll coach you to become your own interior designer and to allow you success every time you decorate.

I will help you plan a budget and stop wasting cash! Let’s be realistic and extravagant without it costing you more than you have! You’ll be amazed at how far you can stretch your budget when you know where to make the investments and what you should and shouldn’t be spending your hard earned cash on.


Pick the perfect paint colour the first time around.


No matter if your rooms are big or small, having the right furniture arrangement will make them more enjoyable.


With my help, you will have the home you’ve always dreamed about!

Let me introduce you to your Own Interior Designer Programme and what we will cover..

Course Introduction

How to design a room the professional way – the way an interior designer would, so you can achieve that same look yourself, using my techniques

Pre Course Work

Photograph your room – heres how (a quick pdf)
Take all the measurements of your room – heres how (a quick pdf)



All about research

  • Use any or all of these and begin to gather lots of images.


  • What this is and how to start using it – create board called “Rooms I love”.


  • Create idea boards.


  • Cut out images and keep.

Little intro to Introduce you to different styles and how to find yours.


  • A printable journal for you to make notes in ‘Brilliant & Gorgeous & Clever Ideas I want to remember’ (& where I got them so I can find them again).


Overview of the step by step design process – A list of steps I will guide you through.

Designer principles that are good to know – foundations for great design – note any you want to use;

  • Focal points – what they are and when to use them.
  • Scale and proportion.
  • Symmetry – what this means.
  • Hierarchy.
  • Rugs and how to use them.

Focus on your room – Part 1 – The Brief – What Questions To Ask About the room?

What is the dream you have for the room..

  • How do you wish it would look?
  • What activities happen in the room?
  • Who uses the space? Do they have any special requirements?
  • What is the lifestyle of the people using the space?
  • What existing possessions, if any, will be kept?
  • What are being moved out?
  • What cannot be altered.
  • What are the budget and timescale for the project?
  • Describe the room – which way does it face.
  • What fixtures does it have e.g. door, skirting, PowerPoints, windows, radiators, lighting, curtain rails etc.



  • What you need to know – tips and tricks how to come up with a colour palette fro your room.

Colour psychology, colour wheel, accent colours, great colour combinations etc.


  • Draw one or create online with free tool.

Recommended Layout guides for main rooms: bedrooms, sitting rooms, dining rooms.

Fabrics made easy

  • Windows and curtains and other ways to cover them.

Perfect Lighting – How to really set off your room.

  • Accessories
  • Shopping ideas

Planning your room

Workbook to print My Awesome New Designer Room – with checklist:

  • Style chosen
  • Colour palette chosen
  • Furniture I have already
  • Floor
  • Walls
  • Wallpaper
  • Paint
  • Layout
  • Furniture
  • Lighting
  • Ceiling
  • Fabric
  • Curtains
  • Accessories


This is a simple plan to make it all happen…a checklist for you to complete and action.

Extra Resources Section

  • How to choose paint (use my paint mini-programme here, re-record if necessary)

3 Ways to choose the perfect wallpaper.

  • How do you want your new room to feel? Here’s lots of words to help you describe it.


  • My Little Black Book of online shops.
  • Apps for designing your room.
Why Listen to me?

Hello! My name is Heather Craig, owner of Heather Craig Interiors and I’m here to HELP YOU – you don’t have to tackle all this by yourself any longer. I am a mum and a business owner and I have learned an awful lot about making a home comfortable, stylish and functional. Before I started designing, I even made a few hideous décor mistakes myself and wasted time and money buying (sometimes big expensive) things because I hadn’t the experience I now have in abundance! (Years ago, I even managed to buy the most infuriatingly uncomfortable sofa, the arms were as high as the back and I loathed it…but it’s long gone now!).

I am an Interior Designer as well as a House Doctor Consultant – both of which mean I know about how to create stylish, functional and family-friendly homes that just work.

Fifteen years ago I started making bespoke hand-painted wedding stationery in my first creative business (and worked with Harvey Nichols) selling it 7 years later.

However, I have always had a real passion for of the colourful world of interiors and so grabbed the chance five years ago of making a career change to pursue my dreams. I took an interior design qualification to develop my talent and skills and I absolutely loved it.

I then got lots and lots of practice creating gorgeous designs for family and friends and so my business grew steadily from there, to where it is today, which keeps me very busy helping people make the most of their homes!

More recently I decided to learn to help people prepare their home for sale, to give it the best chance of selling quicker and for more money, so I trained with The House Doctor of Channel 5 and am a qualified House Doctor Consultant  find out more here.

So essentially, I specialise in helping busy ladies like you make your home somewhere you love living, working, relaxing, and entertaining in!

Isn’t it time you had that house to be proud of?  That house that’s finished?  That house that isn’t hiding your design mistakes?