Sell Your House For The Best Price Consultation - Adore Your Home with Heather Craig

How To Sell Your Home for the BEST Price


The stand-alone HOME STAGING CONSULTATION is for you if just need some quick advice, can make you’re own notes and to-do list during the meeting and can work away yourself afterwards!

 I’ll Show You How To Make Your Home Irresistible to Potential Buyers So When It Hits The Markey, it SELLS Quickly and For A Great Price


If you’re OVERWHELMED AT THE VERY IDEA OF SELLING I can help you… by showing you exactly how to prepare your own home yourself. 


 You’ll Get The Exact Process I Use …That Works.


 You’ll know how to take your house from where it is now, to being TOTALLY ready to go on the market.


Find out How Style, Staging and a bit of Strategy Can Help Sell Your Home For The BEST PRICE As Soon As It Hits The Market.


scroll to the bottom for my own ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos!

Home Staging is for people who need to sell their home for the best price, freeing them to move on…

Making your home appeal directly to your potential buyers, so they absolutely love it, is the secret to getting great offers.

Please, don’t even think about putting it on the market WITHOUT MAKING IT LOOK ITS VERY BEST!

LOOK ON WORKING WITH ME AS AN INVESTMENT, guarding against a possible price drop of £10k or more (if nobody is making an offer) or any silly offers below your asking price.

If you feel clueless and stressed about the very prospect of selling, let me take you through the EXACT PROCESS I use to make your home irresistible to potential buyers so, when it hits the market, it sells quickly and for a great price. 

Giving you the confidence that you have given it EVERY chance to do well on the market.

Are You Ready To Make Your Home Irresistible To Buyers So It Sells For The Best Price It Could Possibly Achieve?

Selling and moving house can be an absolute headache!

As this may well be a really stressful time in your life you would probably like to make it happen pretty quickly, so you can literally, move on. 

Your home is the probably the biggest financial asset you own, so you’ll want to get every single penny that it’s worth.
I understand.

Maybe its been on the market already and no-one is interested?

No offers.

You’re stuck.

I get it.

Or perhaps it’s a property you bought as an investment and desperately need paying renters double-quick to cover the mortgage, so it stops costing you a complete fortune. 

And I know you don’t have the cash to change everything and make it a show home.

The good news is you don’t have to. It’s not about being a show home. 

What if you could create a situation where buyers are actually competing against each other…for YOUR HOUSE?

…because they have fallen in love with it!

How ecstatic will you be when that “For Sale” sign says “SOLD”

I can show you everything you need to do to prepare your home so viewers find it irresistible the moment they walk in the door.

Instead of waiting for silly offers to come in eventually (if at all), you create a very desireable property and it sells faster!

Imagine being free of this house, with the extra cash, and free to buy your future dream home!

The sheer relief will be bliss!

A decent sales price.

In a shorter time.


Even if you are already listed on the market or you are new to this whole selling process, it is never too late to prepare your home, properly, for sale.

Hi, Heather here,

Back in 2010, I was working as an interior designer.  The phone rang.  I was contacted by a lady who was totally frantic to get the apartment she had bought as an investment rented out and covering her mortgage.

Every month that was ticking by was costing her an absolute fortune in mortgage payments. I knew a bit about home staging and knew I could make her dull, sparsely furnished place look a million percent better!

Fast forward a few weeks and the property was snapped up by a viewer who had already agreed to rent the one next door!

Phewww, she was so RELIEVED!

And I saw first hand, the power of a first impression and an irresistibly dressed home.

And an immediate offer meant my client was ecstatic.

I had seen the concept on TV and knew that by simply staging it to show people the lifestyle which that property could offer them, we could positively create that emotional connection and help them ‘love it’.

Fast forward another year and I added a Home Staging Service to my business and became qualified and certified with the House Doctor©.

I learned everything there was about getting top prices.

I found many impressive statistics which confirmed that homes simply sold for more when staged.

Then, more people came to me for help, usually desperate to sell. And with every single one I worked with, I saw a better selling result.
Every. Single. Time.
I saw their relief too.

I became aware that although people knew they should make an effort because it could help the eventual sales price, they just didn’t know where to start in their own home.

If you want to have a more successful house sale, I want you to know it is absolutely possible. Take action and don’t just put it on the market and ‘see’.

That’s like going for an exam without having studied much. You might get through (and you might not) but chances are if you do, you’ll just scrape through.

By preparing properly, there is every chance of a far better outcome.

Give your property the best change and let’s avoid any more stress, anxiety and worry.


Avoid THIS Dreaded Advice from your Agent…

“Maybe you should drop the price by £10k (or more)” .

There are hundreds of thousands of houses on the market that haven’t sold and the standard recommendation is to drop the price.

There’s nothing that looks worse than a ‘reduced’ property.

I can show you what changes you can make, many cost free, to give your property the very best chance it has of making a huge impact on the market without dropping the price.

By the way, when they suggest a price reduction, it’s usually multiples of £10,000!

What would achieving the asking price, or an extra £10k or £15K (or more) really mean to your buying power?

For a mere fraction of that, I can show you how to significantly ramp up the value of your home and make it irresistible to buyers so people start bidding.

But why should you bother?

Here’s 8 reasons exactly why…


Evidence shows that prepared homes sell for better prices because they simply appeal far more to fussy buyers.



More people are looking for a place that is move-in ready, which means that they want somewhere their own furniture will look good in and  don’t have to do a lot of work to it immediately.



You’ll be up against similar homes nearby that are on the market. You need to be the best in show!



Agents love a beautifully presented home because they fly off the books quicker than others…you never know, you just might get a featured position on their website & office window.
Marketing will be a breeze.


SELL QUICKER (less stress)

The quicker you sell the less time you have to endure people looking through your home and the strain of keeping it spik and span at all times!



Most people start their search for a new home online and if they are looking at pictures of cluttered rooms and badly laid out spaces that are dull and uninspiring, they won’t book a viewing.



Doing minor updates and making a few repairs will stop viewers putting in low offers because they perceive there’s  work needed before they can actually move in.



When you have decluttered and reorganised , as well as started to pack, that very day you do actually move will be soooo much easier… you’ll be arriving and unpacking only what you want!


read What  people say who have worked with me 

“Our lovely home was on the market for ages and we wondered what was wrong – some viewers came, but no offers.

We really wanted to relocate to another area nearer schools and having the house sitting around for months on end meant we kept losing out on other houses we liked and was very depressing.

I engaged Heather for a consultation and was amazed at her home staging knowledge…it’s astonishing how constructive simple changes made so much impact. We hadn’t time to carry out her recommendations so asked her to deal with it while we were away. On return, our home was transformed with a few new accessories and a fair bit of rearranging of stuff…we liked it so much we nearly took the for sale sign down!

However, after relaunching it on the property site, a family that had seen it a year previously came back and immediately put in an offer.

What we spent was minimal compared to what we saved by getting it sold at the asking price. The stress of having it on the market for months was a nightmare so we were so pleased and totally relieved when it sold, very quickly, after it was properly presented. I’d never move again without getting this sort of help and thoroughly recommend it.”

Alison Hall

I had no idea where to start preparing my apartment with a TINY budget.

My problem was that there were several in the block which were all available and competing for the same viewers so I had to make mine stand out somehow, but hadn’t a clue and was totally overwhelmed at the thought as I’m not very good at being creative.

Heather tactfully but firmly advised what I needed to do to make it look more appealing. She also showed me where my minuscule budget would be best spent.

My agent had been showing people the other apartments and when mine was ready he took one viewer to see mine. This person had already agreed to the one next door but was so blown away when he was shown mine, snapped it up instead!!

I know I saved several months of mortgage payments. Would definitely recommend this to get a better outcome.

Paula McCalmont

The 2 hour consultation is £197… a DROP IN THE OCEAN compared with the extra £££ THOUSANDS you could make.

What if investing some of your time and £197 could save you months and tens of thousands of £££ pounds?

What could you do with an extra £10k, £15k, or even more?

I can show you how to significantly ramp up the value of your home and make it irresistible to buyers, so you have all the money you could get from the sale.



During the consultation I’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to stage your home.


– Before hand, you send me Whatsapp videos, photos and we meet on Zoom or your at your home.

– I’ll look at each room,  including the outside, front and back and I talk you through it.

I’ll be advising how to make sure your home gives a great first impression.

That’s critical.

Then, after stepping through your door, each room adds to this and  captures the viewers hearts.

If you’ve seen the property programmes or read the books on staging, you’ll know how well it can work…but doing it in your own home by yourself, well, this is where it gets tricky.

But, I have you covered…I’ll give you everything I know, step by step, so you know how to prepare your home, yourself.

Let’s get this house sold!

The cost of the consultation is £197

I know when you are moving cash can be tight, so I want to give you all the help I can to make sure you sell at the best price possible.


LOOK ON IT AS AN INVESTMENT against a price drop of £10k+ or any silly offers below your asking price.

Call me on 07866841480 I’m happy to chat about your situation
send me a message, fill in the spaces below!

15 + 15 =

“I had been trying to sell my house for over 18 months and wanted to understand why it wasn’t selling. The estate agents loved it and couldn’t understand why it wasn’t selling either.

I worked with Heather online and worked my way through her recommendations over the course of a week. I have never come across such a comprehensive guide.

Many years ago I attended a two day home staging course by a well known TV Stager in London. Heathers online advice surpassed this in so many ways. It is so well structured and covers everything in such detail.

What I found most useful  is that she takes you through each room step by step. Staging a whole house can be overwhelming.

I sent some photos of my home to Heather which we chatted about. There wasn’t too much to change. Just a few tweaks to room layouts.

My biggest stumbling point was deciding on what accent colours to use throughout the house as I had 11 rooms to stage.

With her interior design skills (not every home stager has these) she chose 3 or 4 colours that complimented the style of my thatched cottage.

I have started to introduce these accent colours to some of my rooms and I cannot believe what a difference it has made.

I have still a way to go yet but I know that Heather will be on hand should I need her help again.

Thank you so much, Heather.”

Alex, Hampshire

You have really, really helped me see my house differently, it’s amazing what a fresh pair of eyes can see!

I have learned loads about colour and how to use it in this otherwise magnolia/neutral house. Lots of ideas to take with me to my next place.

I love the way my living room looks now and how you helped me connect it with the garden, bringing the outside in. It just feels so much better.

And my master bedroom, with plump new pillows and beautiful painterly cushions, is somewhere I love now as it just feels special. Not boring.

I have decluttered loads and even started packing up which means less to do later.

So thank you so much, you worked really hard on this and I really appreciate it.

Sue Tootill, Aberdeen

Heather met with my wife and I during May. We were going to sell and downsize so were considering redecorating most of our house and updating the soft furnishings to help it sell.

We felt we needed professional help with such a major overhaul.

Heather listened very carefully to our thoughts on décor and furnishings and then suggested subtle but important ways we could give our home a real face lift and bring it up to date so we would sell it at a good price.

Heather worked her magic with keeping things simple, fresh and with a few key items that made a big difference.

Heather really opened our minds to new ideas for our home. Our friends have been bowled over with our new look home.

The best of all is that we are really getting the benefit and a lot of joy from the advice that Heather gave us. If you are selling or just want a new look for your home we would have no hesitation in recommending Heather Craig,

Jim & Rita Newberry   

Part of my continuing midlife reinvention was to sell our lovely house and downscale drastically.

Last summer was all about sprucing up the old house for sale. It helped that I’d got rid of huge amounts of ‘stuff’ so the house was easy to present in its best possible light for potential buyers. I learned a lot from the very stylish Adore Your Home with Heather Craig on Home Staging. So if you’re thinking of selling your home this spring, I recommend Heather.

Sara, Brighton   


A Little Glimpse Of The HUGE Difference Preparing Your Home Can Make!

If you were house hunting, which of these would get you off the couch to go and see?!?


Below is the same view of the same master bedroom…the picture on the left shows the room as very plain and uninspiring, but with a few simple layout and soft furnishings updates, it was TRANSFORMED!

Below is the same view of the same open kitchen/living room…the picture on the left shows the room as cluttered kitchen, dark and dated, but by removing the tiles and adding a simple dining table and a very small budget sofa, it now appeals to young professionals!
Even the estate agent who valued it wanted to move in!

Below is the same view of the same open kitchen/living room…the picture on the left shows the seating area and a blue wall, dark and dated, the right hand picture is the same view after my staging.

Below is the kitchen living space, which had nowhere to eat. I created a dining area!

Here’s a kitchen which with a few minor changes will now appeal more to the target market of young discerning families who want a ‘move-in ready’ home.

Below is the same view of a teenagers bedroom…the picture on the left was dated with an ‘off’ colour scheme, so to make this work with the neutral wall colour, a softer and simple colour palette was introduced!


This bedroom had layout issues which were improved on in the right hand picture and the colour palette was enhanced!


This bedroom was freshly painted, flooring repaired and bed made slightly better!


This living room had furniture removed and the colour palette enhanced.


This living room had furniture removed and the colour palette enhanced.


A teenage boys bedroom.

And a dining room used as a play room got a quick update!